Emily Featherston
BOE President Nancy Corona thanks outgoing Superintendent Sheila Phillips for her years of dedication to the schools in Vestavia Hills.
The Vestavia Hills Board of Education's special meeting Wednesday was scheduled because of the board's public hearing process for the annual budget proposal, but the meeting was also significant because of its position as the final appearance of outgoing Superintendent Sheila Phillips.
Phillips will retire from the district Friday after 7 years with Vestavia Hills and 29 in public education at large.
Phillips welcomed Charles Mason, former Mountain Brook superintendent, who will step into the role of interim leader of the school system until a permanent replacement can be found.
“You are about to join an incredible team,” Phillips said.
BOE President Nancy Corona ended the meeting by again thanking Phillips for her dedication to the district, even when that meant making difficult decisions.
“We know that you did the hard things, and you did them well,” Corona said, citing both the high profile decisions as well as the behind-the-scenes work the superintendent is responsible for.
“Our schools are better, and will continue to be better from the changes you made,” she said.
The board presented Phillips with a personalized vase, as well as personal sentiments from each member.
Budget Hearing
Before saying goodbye to Phillips, the board heard a second presentation by district financial chief Greg Maner, who went back through the budget for the assembly of district personnel and community members, as well as BOE member Jerry Dent, who was not present at the first hearing.
Again, Maner walked through the major revenue sources for the district, and said that the fiscal year 2018 budget is based on what the system took in this year, plus some modest growth projections.
The majority of the general fund budget, he said, goes to instruction–primarily teacher salaries, benefits and supplies.
The full budget can be viewed on the BOE's website, and a video should be posted of the meeting by later this week.
The board will meet once more, on Wednesday Sept. 6 at 6 p.m., to vote on the proposed budget.