Submitted by the Women’s Committee of 100
Retiring President Nan Teninbaum with new members Liz Huntley, Anna Williams, Fran Howard and Nan Skier.
Now in its 54th year, the Women’s Committee of 100 for Birmingham is planning its 55th year of community service with new officers and eight new members.
On “Guest Day,” President Nan Teninbaum installed the officers and introduced new members. Nancy Jones chaired the annual event, held on May 8 at the Mountain Brook home of Becky Keyes.
Officers serving in 2018-19 are: Carla Roberson, president; Irene Collins, first vice president; Kathy Miller, second vice president; Bet Wright, recording secretary; Valerie Ramsbacher, treasurer; Rebecca Mason, assistant treasurer; and Nan Teninbaum, past president.
New members are Anne Bishop, Fran Howard, Liz Huntley, Sheryl Kimerling, Anne Moses, Amie Beth Shaver, Nan Skier and Anna Williams.
Members attending were Jo Ballard, Martha Bartlett, Kirke Cater, Irene Collins, Nita Collinsworth, Carolyn Drennen, Jane Ellis, Carolyn Featheringill, Marjorie Forney, Anne Gibbons, Annie Green, Judy Haise, Sandra Holley, Nancy Jones, Becky Keyes, Zandi Krulak, Anne Lamkin, Kimberly Leslie-Patton, Jean Liles, Audrey Lindquist, Kathy Miller, Kate Millhouse, Helen Pittman, Kerri Pruitt, Gail Pugh, Nelda Pugh, Valerie Ramsbacher, Caroline Reich, Carolyn Reich, Lisa Reich, Carla Roberson, Lisa Roberts, Sara Ruiz de Molina, Marianne Sharbel, Barbara Shepherd, Rebekah Taylor, Nan Teninbaum, Doris Wayman, Elouise Williams, Bet Wright and Janis Zeanah.
Welcomed as guests were Nancy Skinner, Leslie DeRamus, Carmen Morrow, Leigh Laser Collins, Margaret Tucker, Judy Mathews and Caroline Sparrow.
Submitted by the Women’s Committee of 100.