Photo by Emily Featherston
Nathan Marcus samples creole cuisine from Cajun Seafood House at Viva Vestavia 2017, held by the Vestavia Hills Chamber of Commerce at Hollywood Pools.
Viva Vestavia will once again feature many restaurants in the Vestavia Hills area, allowing residents an opportunity to dress up for Halloween while enjoying some great local food.
On Oct. 25, from 6:30-9 p.m., the annual event will take place at Hollywood Pools, located at 1441 Montgomery Highway. A costume contest will decide whose Halloween costume is the best, while restaurants including Taziki’s, Samurai Japan and Bistro V will be at the event. Tickets are $45, and more restaurants will also be at the event. Drinks will also be available for guests, and guests will vote on their favorite restaurants. A silent auction will also be held.
“It is a great way for guests that come to be introduced to restaurants they may not have visited,” said Karen Odle, executive director of the Vestavia Hills Chamber of Commerce.
Proceeds raised from the event will go toward a scholarship fund to be given to a senior student at Vestavia Hills High School who is going into a business discipline in college, Odle said. Last year, the chamber awarded three scholarships.
The event is expected to be similar to years past, but Odle said it has grown throughout the years after it began in 2002.
“It started out as just fast food,” Odle said.
Now, as years have gone by, the event features more sit-down restaurants, Odle said.
Tickets can be purchased from any chamber board member or at vestaviahills.org.