Vestavia Girl Scouts.
The Girl Scouts of Vestavia Hills Service Unit 262 held their annual Court of Awards Ceremony on May 6 at St. Mark United Methodist Church. There are 355 girls currently registered within the service unit.
During the Court of Awards ceremony, girls are recognized for their achievements of earning the Gold, Silver and Bronze awards, and those who are moving up to the next level of Girl Scouts do so by symbolically walking across a bridge. Girls who earned the awards each worked a specified number of hours, either as a group or individually, on the planning and execution of community service projects.
For each project, girls are responsible for identifying an issue, investigating the issue, creating a plan and acting to resolve the issue. Over 100 girls from 11 troops bridged to the next level of Girl Scouts, and 34 girls received awards for their accomplishments.
Girls from Junior Troop 172 earned Bronze Awards, which required at least 20 hours of work per girl on selected service projects. Several of the girls also earned the Summit Awards by completing additional tasks. Cadettes from Troops 290, 460 and 232 earned Silver Awards by completing a minimum of 50 hours of service.
Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts are eligible to earn the Gold Award, the highest and most prestigious Girl Scout award. It requires a minimum of 80 hours of service and must be completed individually. Sarah Cain and Caroline Penfield, both students at Vestavia Hills High School, earned the award this year.
For more information on Vestavia Girl Scouts, please email girlscoutsvestavia@gmail.com or visit www.vestaviagirlscouts.com. Girls from kindergarten through 12th grade are eligible to join.
Submitted by Jennifer Ueltschey, Vestavia Girl Scouts.