Seated (l-r): Joyce Wise, Char Bonsack, Liz Warren, Martha Black. Standing first row: Betsy Cooper, Linda Griggs, Sandra Wilson, Jonnie Venglick, Diane Ray, Bob Black, Rosa Minehan. Standing second row: Mike Griggs, Perry Umphrey, Molly Bee Bloetscher, Phyllis Davis.
The Symphony Volunteer Council (SVC), the main volunteer organization supporting the Alabama Symphony Orchestra, gathered at the home of Lin and Jim Musgrove in Greystone on June 6 to install the 2017-18 SVC board.
Members and prospective members enjoyed conversation, hors d'oeuvres and wine at the event, and heard music by Mimi Jackson on piano and Glenn Egner on flute.
Roberta Atkinson installed the new board members including Vestavia residents Bob and Martha Black, vice president membership; Betsy Cooper, publicity; and Jonnie Venglik, historian.
Char Bonsack also recognized Mimi Jackson as the winner of the coveted Sandra Apolinsky Award presented by the Alabama Symphonic Association. Each year this award goes to a Symphony Volunteer Council member selected by the SVC Board for contributions of time and expertise to activities on behalf of the symphony.
On Sept. 12, the Symphony Volunteer Council has a membership and guest meeting from 6-8 p.m. at 1814 1st Ave. N. All interested community members are invited to attend. Please RSVP to Zane Rhodes by phone at 979-2244 or by email at zane@charter.net.
To learn more about the SVC, go to svcalabama.com.