Kristin Williams
As spring transitions into summer and the days turn warmer, Vestavia Hills first responders hope all Vestavia Hills residents, but especially senior citizens, will pay attention to their health and safety.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, on average more than 600 people a year succumb to a heat-related illness, even though it is usually preventable.
Vestavia Hills Fire Department Capt. Ryan Farrell said older adults are more susceptible to the heat and humidity Alabama experiences each summer because of age and certain medications.
“That can affect your body’s ability to deal with the heat,” he said.
There are varying levels of heat-related illness, including heat cramps, heat exhaustion and ultimately heat stroke.
Dehydration is the most common concern, Farrell said, and folks should increase their fluid intake regardless of whether they feel thirsty.
Symptoms of heat-related illness can be minor at first, Farrell said, and many will try to “push through” and keep working in the yard or exercising in the heat, when in reality those experiencing any symptoms should seek shelter as soon as possible in a cool place.
Those who think they might be suffering from heat exhaustion should seek shelter, loosen clothing, place cool cloths on the neck and sip water slowly while monitoring for symptoms of heat stroke.
The CDC and Farrell warn that anyone experiencing shortness of breath, extreme dizziness, nausea or heart palpitations should seek medical help immediately.
After calling 911, those experiencing heat stroke symptoms should not be given anything to drink, as this might cause vomiting, but a cool cloth should be placed on the back of the neck and behind the knees until help arrives.
Farrell said the summer months are also more active for other safety concerns, particularly falls both outside and inside the house. Seniors should make sure tripping hazards are minimized and appropriate handrails are in place, especially if the individual has balance concerns, he said.
When in doubt, he said, give first responders a call.
► June 8: Guest Speaker - Shovanda Collie, First Choice
► June 12: Art with Tina
► June 18: Father’s Day Celebration
► June 22: Welcome Summer Celebration