Photo courtesy of Rachael Milner.
A shopper fills up a buggy with items for the Shades Mountain Baptist Church Orphan Care Backpack Drive.
When children move from one foster home to another, many of them bring all of their belongings in a trash bag, Rachael Milner said.
“It’s a very sad thought,” she said.
Milner, who works at Shades Mountain Baptist Church, said that a few years ago, a couple at the church started a program to help children in the foster system have something a little nicer to carry their belongings in.
On Nov. 11, which is Orphan Care Sunday, the church will put out tags in their lobby for a few weeks and members, as well as non-members, can grab one and bring back a new backpack filled with some essentials for each child in it a few weeks later.
From there, Milner said the bags are given to the Department of Human Services, which distributes the bags.
“It feels like something personal for them,” Milner said. “With us being a church, we encourage members to pray for the kids.”
In addition to raising awareness and reminding participants of what they easily take for granted, Milner said DHS tells them the bags are appreciated not just by the children, but by DHS workers who now have one less thing to worry about in regards to their children.
The backpacks are due back between Nov. 11 and Dec. 2 and can be brought back during a Sunday church service or dropped off at the main office. The backpacks are often delivered at the same time church members are buying things on a child’s Christmas wish list, allowing them to help the child even more. Those lists are also available at the church.
Another Shades Mountain program also helps impact the church’s orphan care ministry.
The “Gifted” marketplace is a “marketplace with a mission,” Susan Forehand said.
All of the proceeds from the marketplace go toward the orphan care ministry and in lieu of paying for a table, vendors are asked to make a donation to the ministry. Some of them pay a flat fee while others give a percentage of their total sales, Forehand said.
About 60 vendors are expected at this year’s event, which is set for Nov. 1 at SMBC, from 1 to 8 p.m.
Vendors will sell jewelry, reclaimed wood, clothing, food, goat milk, soaps and other items, Forehand said. Piper and Leaf will also be there with their tea products, she said. Some of the vendors, Forehand said, are there to support their own adoption process, and the day provides a chance to display their talents.
The first 500 guests will receive a shopping bag, Forehand said. Tickets are $5 at the door.
According to the church’s website, “The goal of Orphan Care Ministry is to help bring awareness to the plight of children in the foster care system and orphans around the world, all while demonstrating God’s hope for a better future.” Shades Mountain Baptist Church is located at 2017 Columbiana Road. Go to shades.org to learn more.