Photo courtesy of Steve Ammons.
Conceptual drawing for the “Thin Blue Line’ Commemorative Monument.
There are several locations throughout the city where blue lights will recognize law enforcement’s men and women on holidays or after an individual dies.
But this spring, the Vestavia Hills Police Foundation is hoping to construct a permanent place of reflection.
The “Thin Blue Line' Commemorative Monument, VHPF President Steve Ammons said, will be a solemn place to memorialize the lives of officers lost, as well as the sacrifice of those still on the job.
“It’s basically the community putting money into something that will show these officers that the community has your back,” Ammons said.
National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day is nationally celebrated Jan. 9, and this year the day of recognition will fall in line with VHPF’s fundraising efforts for the monument.
“It’s a lofty goal for a bunch of volunteers, but we’re hoping that between now and the end of January we can have a majority of the fundraising done,” Ammons said.
The monument will be constructed near the entrance of the Vestavia Hills Police Department and is being designed by Liberty Environmental Contractors, Ammons said.
An obelisk will be accompanied by landscaping, and it will be a place Ammons said can be used for both personal reflection and any ceremonies the department may hold.
He said creating a monument was already something the foundation wanted to do for the department, but after the November death of Officer Bobby Hancock, Ammons said it was even more clear.
“It’s an extremely stressful job,” he said, “and anything we can do to support them, because they’re always there for the community. I think this is just a small token of what we can do.”
Donations can be made for specific sections of the monument or at large.
Those interested in contributing to the fundraising for the monument can learn more by http://vestaviahillspolicefoundation.com/.