Photo courtesy of Make-A-Wish Foundation and Christopher Kids.
The first Christopher Kids project was a makeover of a bedroom for Shameria, a youngwoman who lives with a neurological condition.Shameria is shown with her mother.
Birmingham architect Chris Reebals and his staff at Christopher Architecture & Interiors spent years brain-storming a way to use their skills to help children in Birmingham who are disadvantaged or struggle with health issues or other life challenges.
They finally arrived at a vision “to serve through design and bring joy to a child by creating a special space for a little one experiencing a tough situation,” Reebals said in a news release this fall.
In September, Reebals and CAI launched a nonprofit called Christopher Kids to provide customized spaces for children with exceptional stories. The mission statement is “serving children through design.”
“We strongly believe that providing meaningful spaces is a key contributor to quality of life and well-being,” Reebals told Village Living. “Many disadvantaged children never experience the joy of a tree house, playroom, a nice bed or even necessities like handicap ramp or access.”
“The team at CAI provides clients with unique spaces catered to their family’s individual lifestyle,” said Caroline Shea, philanthropy coordinator at the firm. “Similarly, each of our Christopher Kids projects will serve by design-ing a space inspired by the child’s personality and favorite activities.”
Shea, a Mountain Brook native, 2016 graduate of Mountain Brook High School and a 2020 graduate of Auburn University, started working at Christopher Kids on June 1.
She has played a huge role in bringing the nonprofit to fruition.
“I had the unique opportunity most fresh college grads do not have in solidifying the name, mission statement and demographic, as well as creating the website, filing the paperwork with the state and applying for the tax deductible status we were granted in September,” Shea said.
She has enjoyed working with Reebals and the team at CAI.
“Design is at the center of who the team is as people, and the creativity they have is overwhelming,” Shea said. “Being the bridge between our amazing team and these kids is such an honor.”
The first child to receive a design makeover was a young woman named Shameria, who lives with a neurological condition.
Christopher Kids partnered on the makeover with Make-A-Wish Alabama.
Make-A-Wish Alabama got in touch with Christopher’s Kids and introduced them to Shameria, Shea said. The mission was to design a bedroom for Shameria and her sister to share.
Shameria’s project was revealed in August, Shea said.
“Beyond designing Shameria’s room, we were honored to be part of the installation,” Shea said. “It was such a special day seeing all the hard work pay off. When the furniture was assembled, the art was hung, and the beds were made, it was time for the reveal. The joy on Shameria’s face after seeing her new room is a moment we will never forget.
“Shameria’s reaction was so rewarding,” Shea said. “She and her mom were blown away with the result, and we were so proud of our work as well as the amazing team of vendors who made the room.”
The other partners on the project were the Make-A-Wish Alabama staff and volunteers, Suite Dreams, Ensley Fairfield Mattress Company, Carrie Pittman Art and Party Pickup.
The position at Christopher Kids allows Shea to fulfill a long-held desire to help children.
“I’ve always loved being around and working with kids and majored in elementary education because that was the most direct path to be an influence in the lives of children,” Shea said.
However, as Shea began student teaching while at Auburn, she found that she liked being in the classroom but not as much as she thought and realized that she wanted to find a position in an entrepreneurial or business environment.
Before her senior year of college, Shea became a wish-granting intern at Make-A-Wish Metro New York.
She learned all aspects of the operation and spent part of her time working with families, helping them to plan their trips and assist with such logistical concerns as flights and lodging.
Shea said she learned a lot there and “fell in love with the nonprofit world.”
During college, Shea had also volunteered with Smile-A-Mile, Habitat for Humanity and Children’s of Alabama.
Reebals heard about Shea’s internship with Make-A-Wish NYC and called her in to ask her advice about the new nonprofit that would become Christopher Kids.
“We met to talk it over and he offered me the job on the spot,” Shea said.
The aspiring school teacher has found another path.
“I love working with kids, and this is the same passion, just a different avenue,” she said. “I get to know the unique stories of the kids and their families and help create a space where they get to relax and just be a kid. I love the opportunity to think outside of the box and bring a large idea into fruition.”
She also draws on some of the skills she honed at Make-A-Wish New York.
“As philanthropy coordinator, I communicate with the family about which space in their home is best to utilize as well as the elements needed to make the space the child’s dream,” Shea said. “I get to work with many incredible and generous vendors.
“We approach each project with our ideal design plan, and then I go search on behalf of the designer and say, ‘This is what we can afford and still looks the same,’” she said.
Shea draws on her positive feelings about her childhood in Mountain Brook as she tries to help children.
“Giving (children) a place to escape and make some happy memories in their own home is the gift that keeps on giving,” Shea said. “My childhood home means so much to me even as an adult. The memories I made in that house with my friends and my sister will be with me forever. Being able to give a child a space that will serve as the backdrop for their most cherished memories is so very special.”
The nonprofit’s next project, a basement for a second child, was to be revealed on Nov. 20, Shea said.
Joanna Goodman — CAI vice president and the firm’s director of interiors — has worked extensively on Christopher Kids, helping with the designs and sourcing vendors willing to donate needed items.
“She and her team have been a great asset insourcing vendors that are kind enough to donate items to us as well as advice on the best way to use the space provided in a creative but classic way,” Shea said.
Madi Gurley, an interior design student at Auburn University, has done a lot of work on the presentations of the designs to the families, Shea said.
Reebals has high praise for Shea, noting that she brings her “leadership, initiative, vision, passion, heart, love and compassion” to the work with the nonprofit.
Shea “has been one of the greatest compliments to our team since our company began almost 20 years ago,” Reebals said. “Her leadership and vision have inspired us to use our gifts and abilities to help those who are not able to help themselves. Caroline and Christopher Kids foster a deeper sense of community within our office and challenge us to expand our capacity to serve.”
A child is eligible to receive service from Christopher Kids if they are under the age of 12, live in the Southeastern United States and are currently facing or have previously faced chronic or critical illness, physical or intellectual disabilities, or other life-altering challenges such as life-threatening injury, parental loss or foster care.
The nonprofit is currently trying to do a project each quarter, Shea said.
“I would love to see that doubled next year and have a goal of one per month in the third or fourth year,” Shea said.
“Of course, this all depends on the need and the funding available,” Shea said.
To learn more or to make a donation, go to christopherkid.org.