Submitted by Betsy Cooper.
Seated-Sally Holsonback, Betty Gorman. Standing-Shirley Holcombe, Bobbie Holland
On February 20th, the annual Lois Pickard Luncheon and silent auction was held at Vestavia Hills Country Club and the scholarships were awarded to Savannah Howard, Eleanor Lee, Francis Tsai, Lydia Newton, Kaylee Orr and K'myra Burrell. One winner was from Birmingham.
The scholarships, $6,750, are awarded each year and are funded by donations from the Symphony Volunteer Council members.
In addition to these scholarships, the SVC supports Summer Music Camp Scholarship. Last year, $7,850 went to qualified candidates attending the Alabama School of Fine Arts, student members of the Alabama Symphony Youth Orchestra or competitors in the Lois Pickard Music Scholarship Competition. Candidates must have already been accepted to a nationally recognized summer music festival.