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Emily Featherston
Christmas is a little less than two weeks away, but Santa made a special stop at the Vestavia Hills Library in the Forest Tuesday night to pay a visit to families.
Family Night with Santa gave kids and parents the chance to grab a light bite to eat and enjoy musings and story time with St. Nick himself.
Santa made several quips during his time with the families, including that his favorite cookie are "the round ones," and that he knows what really happened in "Twas the night before Christmas."
Santa also talked about how he and Mrs. Claus keep tabs on kids and if they've been naughty or nice each year with an hour glass. The more sand in the "nice" side, the better that child has been. But some, Santa said, have a lot of sand in the "naughty" side of the hourglass. Those kids, he said, are bullies, and after discussing with the kids in the crowd about what a bully is, had each promise to be kind to others.
The Library in the Forest has more holiday events this week, as well as special hours for studying.