Submitted by Michelle McKee
(L – R) Young Agent Chair – Toni Jones (Palomar Insurance), Past Young Agent Chair – Todd Roberts (Talladega Insurance), Kingston Hall, Allie Buchanan, Excalibur President – C.D. Denson (Stead & Fuller Insurance).
Excalibur Education Foundation would like to congratulate Kingston Hall from Troy University in Troy, AL on receiving this year’s scholarships.
The Excalibur Education Foundation is the educational arm of the Alabama Independent Insurance Agents and the Alabama Young Agents Committee. The board of directors is composed of members of the AIIA, eminent scholars or insurance chairs from our major universities, members of the YAC and other industry related vocations.
The purpose of the Excalibur Education Foundation Capps/Calhoun Scholarship is to provide scholarships to rising junior or seniors in an Alabama college or university who has chosen to pursue a career in the insurance field. To date, an excess of $70,000 has been given.
Excalibur Education Foundation would like to congratulate Kingston Hall from Troy University in Troy, AL on receiving this year’s scholarships.
Kingston Hall, a Vestavia Hills native, is majoring in Risk Management and Insurance and plans to graduate in May 2019. Kingston attended AIIA’s Young Agents Summer Conference back in July where she received her scholarship letter and was able to network with other young professionals in her field.
Submitted by Michelle McKee