Courtesy of Sara Franklin/Junior League of BIrmingham
Imagine not being able to work or attend school because you cannot send your child to daycare.
Why? Because you’re forced to choose between buying food or diapers.
This is a reality for a reported one in three mothers in the United States suffering from diaper need, and government assistance programs don’t cover the cost.
The Junior League of Birmingham (JLB) Diaper Bank is helping to fulfill the need by distributing 100,000 diapers each month to 230 organizations through the Community Food Bank of Central Alabama.
Sept. 25-Oct. 1 is the National Diaper Bank Network’s Awareness Week and those in Vestavia have the opportunity to help a mother in need by donating a new package of diapers to the JLB Diaper Bank.
Diapers will be accepted today at the Western Supermarket in Vestavia (3350 Morgan Drive) from 2-7 p.m. today, as well as at Gus Mayer at The Summit every day this week until Oct. 1 from 11-2 p.m.