Photo courtesy of Tait Stoddard.
Guests mingle at Dinner and Diamonds, the annual fundraiser held by the Vestavia Hills City Schools Foundation.
The Vestavia Hills City Schools Foundation’s flagship fundraiser, Dinner and Diamonds, will celebrate its 12th year this year at Region’s Field in downtown Birmingham.
The event, scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 24, is the primary way the foundation raises funds for its operating budget, which allows the rest of its fundraising proceeds to go directly to Vestavia Hills’ schools, teachers and students.
Last year, Executive Director Tait Stoddard said, the event drew more than 500 guests, and this year the foundation expects there to be even more.
“It is wonderful to work on such a fun event that gets great support from our community here in Vestavia Hills,” event chair Missy Lemons said.
The night features food, beverages and entertainment, along with both a silent and live auction with unique prizes from local businesses and beyond.
Lemons said she encourages all to come out to the event to celebrate the work the foundation has accomplished over the last year.
While a ticketed event, the majority of the funds raised at Dinner and Diamonds come from the support of sponsors, Stoddard said, and all local businesses are welcome to participate.
The event will take place from 7-11 p.m., and complimentary valet parking is available.
For more information or tickets, visit vestaviafoundation.org, and to sponsor the event, contact director@vestaviafoundation.org.