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Photos courtesy of Jill Young.
Andy Young.
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Photos courtesy of Jill Young.
Brian Young.
Members of Boy Scout Troop 83, chartered by Dawson Baptist Church, were recognized at an Eagle Court of Honor on April 23. The ceremony was held in the Social Hall at Dawson.
Andrew Young joined Troop 83 in 2010. He crossed over from Pack 1 in Vestavia Hills where he enjoyed fishing, hiking, camping, canoeing, spelunking and Summer Day Camp and Pinewood Derbies. In Cub Scouts, Andrew earned his Arrow of Light and the Heavy Shoulder Award.
As a Boy Scouts, Andrew earned 20 merit badges and held several leadership positions in the troop. The highlights of his Boy Scout career were participating in backpacking, white water rafting, camporee at Tannehill State Park each year and ultimately hiking 75 miles through Philmont Scout Ranch.
For his Eagle Project, Andrew built a pavilion at Camp Dawson to protect participants in the outdoor activities from the sun and rain. He chose this project so that he could make a difference in a place that is special to him - Camp Dawson, where he attended Dawson Day Camp each year in grade school, and continues to serve as camp counselor, along with many other events over the years.
Andrew is the son of Clarke and Jill Young of Vestavia Hills. He is a senior at Vestavia Hills High School, and is a member of the chapel choir at Dawson Baptist Church. He recently spent his spring break doing mission work in the Dominion Republic. Andrew will be attending UAB next year, and then plans to transfer to Auburn.
Brian Young joined Troop 83 in 2010 crossing over from Cub Scout Pack 1 in Vestavia Hills. He began scouting in first grade as a Tiger Scout and continued fifth grade finishing as a Webelo Scout, where he earned his Arrow of Light and the Heavy Shoulder award.
During his Boy Scouting career, Brian earned 21 merit badges and served in several leadership positions in the troop. Some of his most memorable trips were a spring break backpacking trip to the Great Smoky Mountains, two backpacking trips to Mount Rogers, Virginia, and a 75-mile trek at Philmont Scout Ranch.
For his Eagle Project, Brian built a crop garden and irrigated it at the Homewood Community Gardens. The garden is now used by special education classes at Homewood Middle School.
Brian is also the son of Clarke and Jill Young of Vestavia Hills. He is a senior at Vestavia Hills High School, and is a member of the Chapel Choir and helps lead a bible study at Dawson Baptist Church. He will be attending Sewanee - The University of the South in the fall, where he will be a Hippocrates Fellow and pursue biology and pre-medicine.
– Submitted by Jill Young.