Photo courtesy of Marti Buck.
From left to right is Joy Wilkes, Redonda Broom, Cindy Edmonds, Linda Gooldrup, Carolyn Delk, Shelley Watkins and Nancy Becker.
Vestavia Country Club was the setting of the Coronets fall luncheon on Sept. 18. The sunny day, large windows and intricate mixed basket centerpieces helped make it a joyful and memorable time of friendship and fellowship. The luncheon was planned and coordinated by Redonda Broom and Shirley Evans.
Coronets is led this year by President Carolyn Delk, assisted by Linda Gooldrup, Nancy Becker, Cindy Edmons, Shelley Watkins, Jean Hendrickson, Shirley Evans, Redonda Broom, Marti Buck, Rusty Kirkpatrick, Joy Wilkes and Jackie Webb.
Among the other ladies attending were Edna Alderman, Nancy Boone, Sue Belcher, Jean Burnette, Linda Bachus, Bettie Davenport, Carolyn Edge, Pat Garlikov, Virginia Golightly, Corrine Greer, Fay Hart, Carolyn Hogan, Margaret Howell, Gloria Hudson, Patti Echols, Glenda Etheridge, Marsha Hire, Betty Longshore, Joanne McConnell, Betty Miller, Shirley Palmes, Evelyn Ringler, Dot Renneker, Liz Slive, Ming South, Mary Jean Sanspree, Karen Tucker, Linda Wood and Cindy Tilghman.
— Submitted by Marti Buck