Rendering courtesy of SDR Studio.
An artist rendering of the makerspace area.
Library in the Forest is on its way toward completing the makerspace project that began in 2016.
The city of Vestavia Hills requested bids through April 18 for the construction of an enclosed makerspace area in the former cafe location inside the library. A firm had not been selected as of the Vestavia Voice’s press date. The makerspace will house equipment such as a 3-D printer, vinyl cutter, photography and audio tools and computers, as well as classes related to crafting, computer programs and other “maker” projects.
“What we’ve really been lacking is a dedicated, enclosed space,” said Vestavia Hills Library Foundation Director Wendy Johnson.
Johnson said the Friends of the Library have dedicated $40,000 in seed money to the Foundation, which is working on raising an additional $100,000 to pay for design, construction and possibly some equipment and furniture. SDR Studio created the design for the makerspace, which will include a glass wall partitioning it from the rest of the library and an exterior entrance.
“That will be really important for the library also because it’s going to provide more meeting space,” Johnson said, adding that the library’s current meeting rooms are frequently at capacity.
Johnson said the library will provide a wish list to the Foundation for supplies that they think will be most beneficial for classes and patrons using the makerspace, and the Foundation will provide as much as their budget allows.
The Foundation will start a major fundraising campaign this year to raise the $100,000 through both private and corporate donations. Johnson said library patrons can expect to see construction beginning in 2018, as well.
“We need private citizens to invest in this community space,” Johnson said.
The calendar of maker and tech classes is available at vestavialibrary.org/technology/tech-calendar. Find out more about the Library Foundation’s fundraising efforts at vhlibraryfoundation.org.