Courtesy of Brooke Gardner
Darlene, a female Labrador retriever, was found on Old Leeds Road Thursday, presumably after being hit by a car.
Passersby attended to the animal, and Mountain Brook Animal Control took her to Liberty Animal Hospital on River Run Drive, where veterinarians discovered she has a broken femur and pelvis, among other serious injuries.
"She has so many things broken," hospital receptionist Hannah Davis said.
Davis said that as of Friday afternoon, Darlene was on a steady drip of pain medication and was stable, showing some signs of being more responsive.
The hospital has been unable to locate the pup's owners, and the surgery Darlene needs is extensive.
After learning Darlene would need to be euthanized to minimize her suffering if surgery were not paid for or her owners not found, concerned community members took to Facebook Friday afternoon, encouraging readers and online group members to donate to the fund the hospital had set up.
Within a few hours, the effort had raised about $3,500 for Darlene's care.
Davis said Dr. Craig Martin has volunteered to do the surgery at cost for the pins and plates it will take to repair her femur and pelvis.
If Dr. Martin's attempt at the surgery is successful, Davis said, the cost would be $750-$1,000. If Darlene needs to be taken to a specialist, it would be closer to $4,000.
Brooke Gardener said she had heard about a dog being hit on Old Leeds Road on Thursday, and posted online to see if anyone would be willing to go in and help out.
Davis said the hospital is going to attempt to do the surgery sometime in the next week thanks to the outpouring of support from the community.
"People have been so generous and so wonderful about donating," Davis said.
Those wanting to donate to Darlene's care can do so by stopping by the clinic at 3810 River Run Drive, or by calling 970-0411 and asking to add to the "Darlene Fund."