Photo by Emily Featherston.
Della Fancher-Smith with the Alabama Veterans Memorial speaks at the New Merkel House Veterans Day ceremony on Nov. 9, 2017. Smith described the service of her brother, as well as some of Birmingham’s most iconic servicemen.
The city of Vestavia Hills has several events lined up to honor Veterans Day, which will be celebrated Nov. 12 this year.
On Nov. 8 at Vestavia Hills United Methodist Church, located at 2061 Kentucky Ave., from 1 to 4 p.m., veterans will be honored during a roughly two-hour program. The program will feature a color guard, the national anthem sung by the Vestavia Hills High School Honor Choir, a performance from the Harmony Belles, the recognition of service branches, a keynote speech from retired Maj. Gen. Paulette Risher and a presentation of area veterans.
Refreshments will be served in the church fellowship hall following the program, and antique military vehicles will also be on hand. Photos with the Harmony Belles will be available.
The next day, Nov. 9, a more intimate gathering will be held at New Merkel House at 11 a.m. A special presentation by Jacob Pflasterer and a speech from Myra Harper with Harper House, which helps blind veterans, will be included, as well as a pinning ceremony and a song sung by Joe Brasher.
This is the fourth annual event held at New Merkel House, and director Melanie Perry said they see veterans from World War II to the war in Afghanistan attend.
The New Merkel House is located at 4405 Dolly Ridge Road in Cahaba Heights.
Both of these Veterans Day events are free of charge.