Father's Day
“My kids’ favorite quote from Colter is, ‘If you’re around trouble, you’re in trouble.’”
-Ruth Bean
Father's Day
“It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father.”
-Pope John XXIII
-Submitted by Betts Johnson (pictured are Lauten Johnson and son Sanders).
Father's Day
“We love our dad because he is always there for us, plays with us, spends special time with each of us, and is cool.”
-Marshall James, Chapman, and Deborah Newsome
Father's Day
“My dad is the best dad because he likes to build Legos and play outside with me and he is a pretty good pitcher in baseball but he accidentally hits me with the ball sometimes.”
-Hoke Lindsey, submitted by his mother Marilyn Lindsey. Pictured are Hoke and Tripp Lindsey.
Father's Day
“My father has always been an inspiration to me. He has never been one to sweat the small stuff. I have had many conversations with him and vented many complaints when thing didn’t go my way. He would hear me out and his only response would be ‘if you can’t change the outcome suck it up and move on.’ End of conversation.”
-Adelle Gilbert & Butch Zaragoza.