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Children make pompom flowers at a booth during the 2017 Back 2 School in the Hills, which took place Aug. 18 after being rescheduled due to rain. The event was held at Fox Field at the Cahaba Heights ball fields.
Back 2 School in the Hills is coming back to Cahaba Heights for the second year.
The event, which is in its fifth year, moved to Fox Field in Cahaba Heights in 2017 to accommodate growing numbers of sponsors and attendees, said Vestavia Hills Chamber of Commerce membership and marketing consultant Lisa Christopher.
The new location provides convenient parking, a larger field space and a more level surface, she said.
This year’s event, which aims to celebrate the back to school season, will once again be hosted by the Chamber of Commerce. It is set to take place Aug. 10 from 6:30 p.m. until dusk, or around 8 p.m., Christopher said.
“Our acclaimed school system and the start of a new academic year warrants this grand celebration,” Christopher said.
There will be food, games, giveaways and entertainment available at the event, which is free to attend. Because it is an election year, Christopher said she also expects several candidates to be sponsors and to be present during the event.
If needed, a rain date has been set for Aug. 17.
For more information about the event, go to vestaviahills.org.