Photo courtesy of Riley McLaughlin.
The Commitment Day 5K is being held at 40 Life Time Fitness locations nationwide and is aimed to help people “Commit to Fit.”
Many New Years resolutions miss a fundamental element to be successful: commitment. But with the annual Commitment Day Movement, the idea is to help people hold themselves accountable to their goals. And Life Time Fitness is kicking it off with a 5K run at 10 a.m. on Jan. 1.
Started six years ago, the Commitment Day Movement is “a symbol of personal responsibility to ourselves, our families and our communities to live a healthy way of life,” said event organizer Art Johnson. It’s part of their “Commit to Fit” campaign.
“The state of America’s health continues to take center stage with rising obesity rates, a generation of children facing serious health consequences and escalating healthcare costs,” Johnson said. “Life Time believes that starting the New Year off the right way can help alleviate all of these.”
Over 40 Life Time locations across the country are participating, and Johnson said nearly 100,000 people have pledged to a healthier lifestyle since the movement’s start.
Registration is $35 through Dec. 31 or $40 on Jan. 1 and includes a T-shirt, a post-race brunch social, a medal and access to the club for the day. Children under 12 who run with a paying adult are able to run for free.
For more information or to register for the run, visit commitmentday.com.