mayor zaragoza
Mayor Alberto "Butch" Zaragoza
I hope you are enjoying your summer.
Here at City Hall, we are working on a number of projects throughout the city. Topping this list is managing the bid process for the additional parking lot that will be part of the Vestavia Hills Library in the Forest. While we did originally open bids in early June, all bidders quoted lighting to match the existing exterior library parking lot lighting. Unfortunately, that style is no longer available. We, therefore, threw out all of the initial bids and began the process over again. Though it did mean a two-week delay for that process, we believe the final result will more than make up for that brief wait.
In Cahaba Heights, we continue to move forward with the newly renovated Winn Dixie. Project progress reports indicate that the updated store will be completed either in December 2014 or January 2015.
On the Patchwork Farms area of town, the city is moving forward with the Daniel Corporation regarding development possibilities for this area. This space represents a total of 45 acres, with 23 acres originally owned by the city, and the additional 22 received from property owned by the Vestavia Hills Board of Education.
In other news, we are looking ahead to the autumn planting season to make the vision for the city’s southern gateway entrance turn into reality. As you will recall from prior issues of the Vestavia Voice, this area will reflect landscape architecture developed by Goodwyn, Mills & Cawood, Inc., and will be maintained by the city. We look forward to elevating the first impression that this area makes on drivers entering our city.
Those following the project status of the U.S. 31 pedestrian walkover should know the plans still lie in the hands of ALDOT. At this time, we are waiting on the Department to provide feedback regarding any changes that may be required before we are given permission to proceed.
Last, but certainly not least, I want to congratulate Sheila Phillips on her appointment as superintendent of the Vestavia Hills Board of Education. I know she will do an outstanding job. I also want to extend congratulations to the entire Leadership Vestavia Hills organization for the completion of the Third Annual Wing Ding, which was a big success. Additional kudos go to John Henley and the State Farm team for winning the 2014 Wing Ding Cook-off.
Your Mayor,
Alberto “Butch” Zaragoza