Mayor Ashley Curry
Welcome to October! Many consider October the best month of the year.
For Southerners, it means a break from the oppressive heat and humidity experienced during the summer. It is also generally considered the best month for the fall foliage. Every year, nature puts on the ultimate show as the leaves change color. There's no better month of the year than October to enjoy the vibrant colors of the leaves.
On Oct. 5, Vestavia Hills will have its Community Night Out. Each year the public is invited to attend this outdoor event in which we honor our first responders. Community Night Out is an opportunity for first responders to network with local businesses, civic groups, churches, schools and citizens in a symbolic stance to promote public safety. Bring a chair or blanket and enjoy a night of free family fun! There will be jump houses, a photo booth, pumpkin patch, free food and more! Thank you to Shades Mountain Baptist Church, Truist Bank and other sponsors.
Oct. 18 is National Chamber of Commerce Day. This is a nationally recognized event held on the third Wednesday of October. We are fortunate to have a very active chamber. Membership in the Vestavia Hills Chamber of Commerce is over 700 members strong. We are thrilled with the growing roster because it means that we are able to better support local businesses and help strengthen our local economy, which translates into improved city services and a higher quality of life for all Vestavia Hills residents.
Make your friends, family or others smile this Oct. 5 on National Do Something Nice Day. This holiday encourages us to perform acts of kindness for strangers or loved ones, or both! It’s easy to become so caught up in our own stresses and struggles that we forget to show kindness to others. This holiday is a great reminder that doing good deeds makes the world better — and might even help you better manage your own troubles in the process.
In November, the city will have two separate events to honor our veterans. The first event will be held on Sunday, Nov. 5, at the Vestavia Hills Civic Center. This event will feature the Vestavia Hills High School band (brass ensemble) and other entertainment. Our guest speaker will be retired Maj. Gen. David Burford. The second event will be held Friday, Nov. 10, at the New Merkel House in Cahaba Heights. These two events are intended to pay tribute to the men and women who have served our country in all branches of the military, Coast Guard and the U.S. Merchant Marine. Please join us at these events as we salute our veterans.
I love the fall of the year. As F. Scott Fitzgerald said, “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” Maybe he was talking about football. Whatever your pleasure or interest, may you have a happy fall.