Mayor Ashley Curry
Last month, I gave the “State of the City Address” to the Vestavia Hills Chamber of Commerce. There are two very notable things about our city that were addressed. The first was the quality of life that we enjoy in our city. We continue to be rated as one of the most “livable” cities in Alabama. Also of note is the economic strength of our city. Under the leadership of the City Council and the city manager, we are very fiscally responsible and, as I pointed out in the address, we are very efficient and “do more with less” compared to other cities.
In November we celebrate two big events. The first one is Veterans Day and the other is Thanksgiving.
It would be safe to say that if it were not for our veterans, we probably would have nothing to celebrate. Without the freedoms that they fought for, we would not be able to live in a country that allows the quality of life that we enjoy.
We must honor and remember the service of our men and women in the military presently as well as those who served previously. The sacrifices made by our veterans should never be forgotten.
In Vestavia Hills, we will be remembering our veterans with two separate events. There will be a veterans celebration on Wednesday, Nov. 9 at the New Merkel House in Cahaba Heights. Another veterans event will be held in the new Civic Center on Thursday, Nov. 10. All are welcome to attend these events.
What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? I suspect many of you will respond with family, friends and good health. But there is so much more for which to be thankful. Our homes, the food on our table and even our city.
Thanksgiving is also a time to be grateful. Susan Rhodes, a licensed clinical social worker, says, “Gratitude is more than just the feeling of thankfulness. Being thankful is the first step, and we have to have that initial feeling to build upon. We build upon it by redirecting our focus into making gratefulness an intrinsic part of our lives.” She suggests that we show gratitude to all the people that have added value, love or friendship in our lives.
I am grateful for all our employees, our civic clubs, our churches, our citizen volunteers and all of our citizens that contribute so much to our city.
I will be thankful and grateful for the completion of the new Civic Center. Projected to open in November, it will have increased space for recreation, numerous meeting rooms and even a large banquet space. Our parks and recreation staff is busy planning events, program and recreational activities for our new facility.
Mark your calendars for Nov. 29. The city will be holding its annual Christmas Tree lighting at City Hall.
I hope that you have an enjoyable and happy Thanksgiving.