Mayor Ashley Curry
Lucy Maude Montgomery in her classic book, “Anne of Green Gables,” said, “Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”
The same idea applies to the New Year. We are beginning a new year, and hopefully there have been no mistakes in it yet.
There is something refreshing about the prospect of a “new” year. That is why so many people make New Year’s resolutions. Have you made a New Year’s resolution?
It is estimated that 45% of Americans make resolutions for the new year.
According to the Journal of Clinical Psychology, a list of the most common resolutions includes:
► Losing weight/healthier diet
► Spend less, save more
► Exercise regularly
► Quit smoking
► Spend more time with family
Unfortunately, 73% fail or have only marginal success. Maybe it is time to change our habits. Henry Ford said, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you always get what you’ve always got.”
Why bring this up? I mention this so that during the coming year, you can make resolutions that could be easier to keep. Resolve to volunteer with a worthy cause. Resolve to volunteer with any number of city activities, school activities, church activities or anything else that pertains to others. By including others, I think you will have a greater success rate on your resolutions.
Community service is one of the best ways to improve the lives of other people. The awesome thing about volunteering is that you can take part in it as much as your schedule allows. Consider choosing an opportunity that fits in your interests and hobbies. This will ensure that you provide an amazing, enlightening experience for other people as well.
The city has a list of resolutions for the coming year. We are looking forward to completing the infrastructure and Community Spaces plans. We will soon be completing our infrastructure component on Crosshaven Drive. It appears that Phase 3 of the Wald Park improvements will be the next park component completed.
Finally, our new Civic Center should be completed sometime by mid-year. This is one of the most exciting recreational improvements as it will include two gyms, multiple meeting rooms and a grand ballroom with banquet-size capacity.
I wish you a joyous and Happy New Year! As an unknown author stated, “The new year is a book with blank pages in it. The pen is in your hand to write a great story for the new year.”
Seize the opportunity and make your resolution.