Mayor Ashley Curry
We started our new year with a very pleasant surprise: Miss Abbie Stockard, a Vestavia Hills resident, was crowned Miss America for 2025. However, the people who know her would tell you it’s not surprising at all.
I am told that from her days at Vestavia Hills High School until today, she has always shown class, compassion and a willingness to serve. She will represent our state and nation well. Abbie plans to use the Miss America platform to raise awareness about cystic fibrosis. Congratulations, Abbie!
After the extremely cold weather we experienced last month, I suspect we’ll look forward to Groundhog Day on Feb. 2. Each year in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, thousands of people gather at Gobbler’s Knob to watch their beloved groundhog emerge from his burrow. According to legend, if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter weather.
I am optimistic Phil will not see his shadow, and we can count on an early spring. By the way, Phil’s accuracy rate is about 40 percent, so I wouldn’t bet on the outcome.
Feb. 14 is Valentine’s Day. According to the Greeting Card Association, we send about 145 million Valentine’s Day cards each year, not counting the ones kids pass out in classrooms. So, when you lick your stamps this year, know you’re participating in an age-old tradition—and not just a commercial one.
This month, your elected officials and city leadership will engage in our annual strategic planning session, during which priorities for this year will be addressed. In determining future priorities, we rely on results from our anonymous citizen survey. The priorities identified by residents will guide our focus for the year.
Some projects are already underway, including the Massey Road project, which involves lane widening and sidewalk construction. Additionally, we’ll hopefully see the completion of the pedestrian bridge connecting Wald Park and the library. Discussions about stormwater issues and our city’s sidewalk plan will also continue.
There will also be discussions about our city’s 75th anniversary this year. The city and the Vestavia Hills Historical Society are planning an event to recognize all that our city has accomplished since its humble beginnings in 1950.
On Oct. 24, 1950, 88 of 96 voters approved the incorporation of Vestavia Hills. With a current population of almost 40,000, we have certainly grown. I look forward to the coming year and the city’s continued success.