We will celebrate “Small Business Saturday” on Nov. 17. This event recognizes the importance of small businesses, especially in Vestavia Hills.
As you may have heard me say in the State of the City address, our small businesses, with their loyal customer base, have given stability to the city’s sales tax revenue. While surrounding cities are seeing the decline of revenue from “big box” retailers, our growth in revenue remains steady. This can be attributed in large part to our small business owners.
Please help support our businesses and your commitment to our community by shopping locallyNov. 17.
I would like to give you a synopsis of the State of the City Address that I made at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon Oct. 9. The main topics were our financial standing and the quality of life in our city.
As you know, the City Council recently approved a bond issue for $58 million that will fund our Community Spaces and Infrastructure Plan. This project will address street improvements (primarily in Cahaba Heights), renovate our existing parks and develop our new community building adjacent to City Hall. It is a testament to our financial standing that this bond issue did not affect our credit rating with the financial investor service agencies.
According to “Area Vibes,” an online service that determines the best places to live in America, Vestavia Hills was again rated the No. 1 city for livability in Alabama. The livability score is created from an algorithm based on seven metrics: amenities, cost of living, crime rates, schools, employment and housing. The higher the livability score, the better the city.
Safety in our community was another factor considered in our quality of life for our residents. According to multiple rating services, Vestavia Hills was designated as the “safest city in Alabama” for cities of more than 30,000 in population. This was the second year in a row that Vestavia Hills has received this recognition. Our police department and our fire department consistently receive high ratings from our citizens.
Speaking of the fire department, I would like to recognize their “Smoke House” program being held at our elementary schools. This program teaches children how to escape a fire through a simulation exercise using a smoke-filled trailer.
Last month I attended the ribboncutting for the new Vapor Thrift Store, located on U.S. 31 across from City Hall. This unique store supports Christian missions in Haiti and Africa by donating 80 percent of their proceeds to alleviate poverty in these countries. Your purchases help support their mission.
As we approach Thanksgiving, we should think about the less fortunate throughout the world and take a minute to remember all the things for which we are thankful.
I am thankful for our nation, the freedoms we enjoy and the veterans who have served our country.
I am thankful to live in Vestavia Hills, where people care about each other and their city. I am grateful for our citizens’ investment in making our City even better.
I am thankful for Vestavia Hills’ police, fire and public safety employees, who keep us safe and so often are the first to respond when tragedy strikes.
I am grateful for our many city employees who are dedicated to serving Vestavia Hills and do so to the best of their abilities.
I am thankful for our many faith-based organizations that provide hope, build community and provide opportunities for outreach.
I am thankful for our excellent schools and for the teachers and administrators who improve the lives of our children every day.
I am grateful for this community and for all the people in it. I wish each of you a very happy Thanksgiving!