I hope everyone started the holiday season with an enjoyable Thanksgiving. As I have said before, we in Vestavia Hills have so much for which to be thankful. We are truly blessed to live in a city that has a “quality of life” that is second to none.
We are thankful for our military veterans who have secured the freedoms that we enjoy. Our annual “Salute to Veterans” event Nov. 7 and was a fitting tribute to all who have served in our armed forces. I would like to recognize the Vestavia Hills High School band ensemble and the Honor Choir for their participation in the program.
The Harmony Belles helped us reminisce about the music of the WWII years and our speaker, Jeff Rease, shared the personal stories of several of our WWII veterans. The “sense of duty” these veterans exhibited is an inspiration for all of us. We live in the greatest country in the world because of them. Thank you to all of our veterans.
We have completed the bicentennial year for the state of Alabama. Like many cities across the state, we recognized 200 years of statehood by hosting numerous events.
Our City Hall has maintained an exhibit commemorating the state’s history, but also, the history of our city. The Library in the Forest sponsored events such as the summer reading program that concentrated on Alabama history. The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) offered a series of programs regarding Alabama history. I enjoyed the presentation by Steve Flowers, renowned author and former state representative, regarding the colorful history of our state politicians.
Thanks to our Beautification Board, the Historical Society and all the volunteers who made these events possible. Last year at this time, we were seeing construction activity at Wald Park as we started the Infrastructure and Community Spaces Plan. I am pleased to report we have since come a long way, as evidenced by the ongoing projects with infrastructure (roadways and sidewalks) in Cahaba Heights, the park at Cahaba Heights and Wald Park.
As it stands now and weather permitting, we are on track to have the Wald Park ballfields ready for the beginning of baseball season and the pools ready for swimming season. By mid-November, the City Council will have been presented the complete preliminary plans for the Community Building.
The Infrastructure and Community Spaces Plan, which is the largest expenditure in the city’s history, is coming to fruition. This project will contribute to the quality of life for our residents keeping Vestavia Hills as a choice location in which to raise a family.
As we prepare for the remainder of the holiday season, I ask that you keep others who are less fortunate in mind. Support your favorite charity, volunteer your service for a needy cause or just find an opportunity to do something good for someone else. I have always liked this quote from Winston Churchill: “You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give.”
I wish you all a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year.