Courtesy of Ashley Curry.
Ashley Curry
On Aug. 21, we recognized our senior citizens by participating in National Senior Citizens Day. We were honored to have state Sen. J.T. “Jabo” Waggoner and the Honorable Kay Ivey, governor of Alabama, as guest speakers for the event. Mayor Pro-Tem Rusty Weaver officiated the event and presented a key to the city to Gov. Ivey. Many of the seniors had exhibits for the various groups and organizations that they represent, and these were recognized by Gov. Ivey. Congratulations and thanks to all our senior citizens for all they do for our city.
As you are aware, school is back in session, and there are several items to mention in regard to our schools. First of all, I would like to welcome Dr. Charles Mason, who has been named as the interim superintendent for Vestavia Hills Schools. I look forward to working with Dr. Mason and the Board of Education.
Secondly, if you have not heard or seen the story regarding the jamboree football game between Vestavia Hills and Briarwood, you have missed one of the most inspirational stories in football. As Yellowhammer News reported, Jake Pratt, a member of the Vestavia Hills football team, scored a very memorable touchdown. The touchdown is memorable because Jake has Down syndrome and actively participates in all the workouts and practices with the team.
This is another example of how Coach Buddy Anderson has influenced the lives of so many players during his 40 years of coaching Vestavia Hills High School. Coach Anderson is a class act, and I am proud that he is our head coach. I would also like to recognize Coach Fred Yancey of Briarwood High School. This game and the “touchdown” by Pratt remind us of what sportsmanship means. It was a bright spot of positive news at a time when we seem to be inundated with negative news stories. Thank you coaches (and Jake) for giving us such a great moment.
I have recently learned that Yelp has rated our library as one of the top libraries in the Birmingham metro area. Though Yelp’s rankings are based on a very limited audience comprised of Yelp users and not a broad sampling of patrons, we are pleased that Yelp users love the Library in the Forest.
I love the fall of the year. As F. Scott Fitzgerald said, “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” Maybe he was talking about football. Whatever your pleasure or interest, may you have a happy fall.