Photo courtesy of Alabama Press Association.
APA awards
(L to R) Dan Starnes, Matthew Allen, Kristin Williams and Sydney Cromwell hold their first place plaques at the Alabama Press Association Better Newspaper Contest.
Vestavia Voice snagged more than a few awards last weekend at the annual Alabama Press Association Better Newspaper Contest.
Chairman of the APA Better Newspaper Contest Committee Dee Ann Campbell honored the winners at the Alabama Press Convention in Destin, Florida, on June 18 with awards for outstanding reporting, photography, design, advertising and multimedia. A total of 110 newspapers across the state submitted 2,775 entries from their 2015 publications.
Vestavia Voice won seven different awards in Division E:
1st Place - Best Public Service
1st Place - Best Layout and Design
1st Place - Best Spot News Story
1st Place - Best Sports Feature Story
2nd Place - Best Sports Photo
2nd Place - Best Use of Graphics/Illustration
3rd Place - Best Feature Photo
In all, Starnes Publishing took home 39 awards across five of its papers — 280 Living, Hoover Sun, The Homewood Star, Vestavia Voice and Village Living.
Starnes Publishing distributes seven monthly papers in total — Hoover Sun, Village Living, 280 Living, The Homewood Star, Cahaba Sun, Vestavia Voice and Iron City Ink – as well as daily e-newsletters.
Some of the other exceptional awards presented to Starnes Publishing this year focused primarily on serving the local Birmingham community. These included:
The Homewood Star
1st place - General Excellence
1st place - Best Local News Coverage
1st place - Freedom of Information (FOI)/First Amendment award
2nd place - Best Public Service
280 Living
3rd place - Best Local Economic Coverage
3rd place - Best Local News Coverage
Village Living
2nd place - Best Local Education coverage
Hoover Sun
3rd place for Best Public Service
Awards from previous years can be found on the Starnes Publishing’s website at http://starnespublishing.com. To view previous Vestavia Voice awards, visit the website here.