Local resident Kim Benos announced her candidacy for Place 2 of the Vestavia Hills City Council at the June Chamber of Commerce luncheon Wednesday.
Benos is a former nurse, and currently serves as a governance and leadership trainer for the Alabama Association of School Boards.
“I am seeking to serve on the Vestavia Hills City Council because I believe in Vestavia Hills and the immense value of each and every person that calls our community home,” Benos said in an official emailed announcement.
Benos has served on the board of visitors for the UAB School of Nursing, with the Vestavia Hills City Schools Foundation, Leadership Vestavia Hills, the Junior League of Birmingham, Church of the Highlands and other community groups.
She said in her announcement that she believes community leadership is about bringing people together and using resources responsibly in order to grow in a healthy and balanced way.
“We all care; we are all passionate, regardless of our political views, our backgrounds … we recognize and share a palpable sense of community,” she said.
She was also named Vestavia Hills Citizen of the Year in 2003 when she spearheaded the two major playground construction projects.
Benos has a bachelor’s degree in nursing as well as an MBA from UAB, and a master’s degree in theological studies from Spring Hill College. She has also completed the Education for Ministry Program at Sewanee.
Benos is married and has two daughters and four step-children.
Vestavia Hills resident Kimberly Cook is also running for Place 2 on the council. The election will take place on Aug. 23.