Photo by Jon Anderson
Members of the Vestavia Hills City Council include, from left, Paul Head, George Pierce, Mayor Ashley Curry, Rusty Weaver and Kimberly Cook.
The city of Vestavia Hills has set Feb. 24-25 as strategic planning dates for city officials.
On that Monday and Tuesday, city officials will gather in the Vestavia Hills City Council chambers at Vestavia Hills City Hall to discuss what projects city officials want to prioritize, City Manager Jeff Downes said at this week’s City Council meeting.
Officials will take into consideration public feedback that has been received through a survey of residents. So far, almost 400 residents have responded to surveys sent out to randomly selected households, and over the next couple of weeks anyone age 18 or older can respond to the same survey at this link, Downes said. The survey will remain active through Jan. 27.
A schedule of speakers for the strategic planning session will be announced soon, he said.
In other business this week, the City Council:
- Annexed three single-family homes at 2686 Altadena Road, 2701 Alta View Drive and 2612 Altadena Road and zoned those properties as E-2 estate districts
- Amended the city’s fire code to remove a requirement for sprinklers in commercial buildings that are 1,500 square feet or less and all on one level
- Agreed to dispose of a 2014 fire engine, 2016 Chevrolet Tahoe and 2019 Ford F-450 truck and two defibrillators that have outlived their usefulness to the Fire Department
- Reappointed Loring Jones and Tony Renta to the Vestavia Hills Board of Zoning Adjustment and appointed Marty Martin and Vinay Patel as alternate members
- Honored Jim Cartledge as an emeritus chaplain for the Vestavia Hills police and fire departments and other city employees
- Recognized the month of January as Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month