Image from city of Vestavia Hills YouTube video
A concept entrance for The Bray at Liberty Park in Vestavia Hills, Alabama.
The city of Vestavia Hills is looking for people to fill two upcoming vacancies on the city’s Design Review Board.
The Design Review Board’s job is to assure compatibility and quality in the design of developments in the city in order to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the city.
The board meets monthly on the first Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. at Vestavia Hills City Hall at 1032 Montgomery Highway. Board members are nominated by the mayor and appointed by the City Council.
There are seven people on the board, and they serve staggered three-year terms. At least one person on the board must be an architect, and at least one must be a landscape architect.
The intent of the board is to:
- Promote the general welfare of the residents of Vestavia Hills by ensuring the proposed sites, buildings and landscaping enhance the environment and design of the city
- Assure pleasing, environmentally-friendly development that supports the economic viability of the community
- Protect and enhance the value of property in Vestavia Hills
- Ensure that new development is in accordance with the city of Vestavia Hills’ comprehensive plan
Anyone interested in serving on the board should contact the mayor’s office at 205-978-0130. The deadline to apply is Jan. 6, 2025.