Photo by Layton Dudley.
The Vestavia Hills Library underwent renovations during the summer of 2020. Updates include new floors on the lower level, blinds on the main level and reupholstered furniture.
While the Vestavia Hills Library in the Forest remained closed to the public over much of the spring, summer and early fall due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it was not all quiet inside the doors.
The library underwent some major renovations, including changes to the floors and upholstery.
Library Director Taneisha Tucker said most of the work focused on renovating the flooring and upholstery, along with the beginning stages of a project to replace the natural wood outside the facility, but that will not be complete until late 2021 or early 2022. Tucker said there is reclaimed wood on top of the building, and the library will hire an architect to remediate or replace it.
A heating and air conditioning unit also was replaced.
The carpets had wear and tear, and the staff decided it was time for something different, so they installed luxury vinyl tile, Tucker said. The carpet had to be cleaned twice a year, and a month after it was cleaned, it was dirty again, she said. The tile will be easier for maintenance and overall care, she said.
“I’m glad it [the carpet] was worn out,” Tucker said. “It means patrons have enjoyed it.”
The money to complete the renovations was part of the fiscal 2021 budget, so the work couldn’t begin until Oct. 1, the beginning of the new fiscal year, Tucker said. While the library could have opened at that time, Tucker said they decided to remain closed at the time in order to get the work done before patrons returned. It also required a good bit of work on the part of the library’s staff, which had to move all of the volumes in those departments, as well as the shelving. The treehouse also was moved so the flooring could be installed.
“It looks great,” Tucker said.
The flooring was installed downstairs in the public areas of the library, which includes the children’s department, the teen department and the treehouse. The new flooring is similar to what was installed in the community room a few years ago.
Furniture also was replaced, mostly chairs and ottomans, during the month of September. In the past, the furniture was butterscotch, yellow and orange, and now it is more of a cocoa brown color, along with tan, tweeds and patterned beige, Tucker said. The furniture is more durable than before, Tucker said.
In the long run, the renovations will help the library as it enters its second decade of existence. The library will celebrate its 10th anniversary this month.
“I can’t believe we have served in this location for 10 years,” she said.