Photo courtesy of Eden Pfaff.
Artwork made by Vestavia Hills Library in the Forest patrons is shown. In the teen department, the library will be celebrating art in March.
Children can take part in a community scavenger hunt hosted by the Vestavia Hills Library in the Forest during spring break March 22-26.
Each day, a clue will be posted on the library’s front window, and it will lead participants to a business in the community that is part of the scavenger hunt. Participants will be able to collect a prize from that business.
Patrons also can learn how to create their own face mask. On March 30, at 3 p.m. on YouTube, a workshop will be held showing how to create unique face masks at home.
Adults also can learn to make their own “spring wreaths” with material from upcycled book pages. Free take-and-make bags are available while supplies last at the library, and bags can be reserved by calling 205-978-4678 or emailing terri.leslie@vestaviahillslibrary.org. The event will be March 11 at 3 p.m. on YouTube.
Library staff will lead an event for all ages in the Makerspace area March 26 at 3 p.m. on YouTube. It’s being called “Makercade” and will feature projects that combine science, technology, engineering, math and gaming.
In the teen department, the library will be celebrating art, hosting an art group March 24 at 4 p.m. via Zoom, where participants can learn how to play drawing games and learn basic drawing exercises.
Teens also can enjoy a literary version of “March Madness” on March 17 at 4 p.m. via Zoom. Teens will work with their friends to solve “bookish puzzles.”
For more information on library events, visit vestavialibrary.org.