Photo by Neal Embry.
Vapor Ministries founder and CEO Micah McElveen speaks at the 2019 Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast.
On Oct. 9 at 7 p.m. Vapor Ministries will premiere a documentary, ‘Alive to Live’, centered around an incredible true story of resilience, perseverance and divine providence. The documentary, approximately 40 minutes long, strives to reconnect viewers to their God-intended purpose and rekindle a sense of inspiration.
The backdrop of the documentary focuses on the simultaneously tragic and uplifting story of Micah McElveen, CEO of Vapor Ministries. When McElveen was 14, he broke four vertebrae in a diving accident that left him a quadriplegic and nearly killed him. In the aftermath of the surfing accident, McElveen spent his high school years in and out of rehabilitation centers, eventually gaining back majority use of his lower body and approximately 50 percent use of his arms.
While the documentary focuses on McElveen’s incredible story, the scope of the film is far greater than the story of one man’s physical recovery. The film, shot by local studio Colin Edwards Photography, seeks to encourage people not to merely settle for ‘surviving’ through life, but rather reminds people that we are designed to thrive, when we maintain a strong connection to our life’s purpose.
“Vitality fills the veins of those who live their lives connected to the very purpose for which they exist,” McElveen said. “Yet, the challenges we face have a way of knocking us off course and tempting us to spend life’s energy just keeping our heads above water. But living to survive is no way to spend life. It’s times like these that fresh reminders can drive us to return to our purpose and truly live.”
Through near death and tragedy, the Lord is writing an improbable story of global, life-saving impact that is captured in this documentary and can serve to revitalize viewer’s faith and trust in God.
The trailer for the documentary can be found on the Vapor Ministries’ YouTube homepage, and at the link below. The documentary will air live on Facebook beginning at 7 p.m. on Oct. 9.
Submitted by Vapor Ministries.