Photo by Erin Nelson.
Wald Park Pool
Construction continues at Wald Park as crews workon a new swimming pool at the park Dec. 5.
The new aquatic complex at Wald Park is set to open on Labor Day weekend after having its opening delayed several times due to weather and the COVID-19 pandemic.
A walk-through and open house is tentatively scheduled for Sept. 3 with swimming and other festivities to begin Sept. 5, said the city’s communications director, Cinnamon McCulley.
City Manager Jeff Downes announced the new dates in his report to the Vestavia Hills City Council on July 27, along with other information about the Community Spaces plan.
The ballfields at Wald Park should be complete by mid-fall, Downes said, with the only holdup being the delivery of the playing surface for the Miracle Field, as that material has to come from New York, and that’s proven to be difficult given the ongoing pandemic, Downes said.
The grand lawn will open in September or October as well, Downes said.
Downes said crews are completing punch list items at Cahaba Heights Park, which will have an Aug. 14 celebration, with social distancing measures in place, he said.
Work on Crosshaven Drive, along with sidewalk work on East Street and Dolly Ridge Road is progressing. The contractor at the new New Merkel House has been given notice to proceed and internal demolition has begun at the new community building.
At the Sicard Hollow Athletic Complex, Downes said crews are waiting on sodding before finishing that project.
In a short meeting, the Council approved the 2018-19 audit for the city, approved an agreement with FivePoint Payments that will allow residents to make payments to the city using a debit or credit card online, and also approved the election of Mayor Ashley Curry and council members George Pierce, Kimberly Cook and Rusty Weaver, who all won re-election as they have no challengers during the Aug. 25 municipal election. Council member Paul Head faces David Harwell in the lone race on the ballot.
Ordinances adding to the city’s small-cell technology ordinance and a supplemental agreement with Gresham Smith Partners for the pedestrian bridge on U.S. 31 were introduced and will be discussed and voted upon at a later Council meeting.