The Vestavia Hills City Council is considering a contract to design a right-turn lane on Rocky Ridge Road where it intersects Dolly Ridge Road.
The Vestavia Hills City Council next month will consider whether to move forward with plans for an intersection improvement in the Rocky Ridge community.
The council on Feb. 24 is scheduled to vote on a roughly $90,000 contract with Sain Associates to design a right turn lane on Rocky Ridge Road at the road’s intersection with Dolly Ridge Road.
That intersection has been identified as a priority intersection for the city for some time as part of a study done in conjunction with the Regional Planning Commission, City Manager Jeff Downes said. A right turn lane should help improve the flow of traffic on Rocky Ridge Road, he said.
Jefferson County has agreed to take the lead on the project and cover 100% of the construction cost if Vestavia Hills will cover the cost of design work, he said.
The goal is for the county to put the project out for bid this summer, and the project should take another six months to a year to be completed, Downes said. It will take a while because right of way needs to be acquired, and overhead utilities must be relocated, he said.
There is an underground water line on the same property, but the city and county believe it would be best to leave the water line under the turn lane if that is acceptable to the Birmingham Water Works Board, records show.