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Photo courtesy of Alicia Hunsberger.
Residents enjoy Taste of the Heights at Vestavia Hills Elementary Cahaba Heights in 2019.
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Taste of the Heights information.
Taste of the Heights, an annual art show and community event, will be held April 21 in the gym at Vestavia Hills Elementary Cahaba Heights.
The event will include artwork created by students at the school and will also host outside vendors from restaurants in the Cahaba Heights area, Principal Alicia Hunsberger said.
The event begins at 5:30 p.m. and ends at 7 p.m., and usually sees a large turnout, Hunsberger, said.
Admission to the event, which is in its sixth year, is free, Hunsberger said. Taste of the Heights helps celebrate the students’ art while promoting unity in the community, she said.
“We have so many wonderful residents and a community feel here,” Hunsberger said.
The children at the school love the event and enjoy having their artwork displayed and their talents highlighted for the community to see, she said. Katie Hicks, the school’s art teacher, works closely with students to ensure that their best pieces are selected for the show.
While the names of food vendors coming to this year’s show were not known when this story was written, restaurants participating in the past include Zaxby’s, Martin’s BBQ, Food Bar, Urban Cookhouse and Domino’s, Hunsberger said.