- Vestavia
- MLS# 814391
- 5 beds, 4.5 baths
- $922,900
- Lisa Holmes, RealtySouth, 205-527-3615

2028 Magnolia Ridge
- Vestavia
- $839,000
- MLS# 813429
- 7 Bedrooms / 4 Full and 2 Half Baths
- Donna Welling 205-515-2494

2236 Royal Crest Drive
- Vestavia
- $439,000
- MLS# 821171
- 5 Bedrooms / 3 Baths
- Mary Putman 205-529-7875

- Hoover
- $249,900
- 3 Bedrooms / 3.5 Baths
- Jena Standard 205-566-1371
3813 River Run Trail
- Vestavia Hills
- $424,900
- MLS #820571
- 4 Bedroom/2.5 Bath
- Abe Bernstein, 205-834-5577
Email achandler@starnespublishing.com before noon on Thursday to be featured.