1437 Panorama Dr Vestavia 35216
- Vestridge
- $699,000
- 4 bedrooms/4.5 baths
- Anne Wilhelm 205-317-4688

2371 Lime Rock Rd Vestavia, Al 35216
- Vesthaven
- mls 796047
- $424,000
- 4 bed/3 baths
- Anne Wilhelm 205-317-4688

- Vestavia
- MLS#800674
- 4 beds, 3 full, 2 half baths
- $525,000
- RealtySouth, Carole Waites, 205-936-8734

- Vestavia
- MLS#797602
- 3 beds, 1 bath
- $319,500
- RealtySouth, Joyce Watson, 205-706-4875

- Vestavia Hills
- MLS #796428 $794,000
- 5 Bedroom / 5.1 Bath
- Pam Turbeville, 205.563.8580
To be featured, email achandler@starnespublishing.com before noon on Thursday.