- Vestavia Hills
- MLS #785580 $239,900
- 3 Bedroom / 2 Bath
- Dionne Lovett, 205.370.8580

- $500,000
- MLS#796287
- 4 Bedrooms/3 Full 1 Half Baths
- Jerry Brown, 205-401-9754

2371 Lime Rock Rd Vestavia, Al 35216
- Vesthaven
- MLS 796047
- $439,000
- 4 bed/3 baths
- Anne Wilhelm 205-317-4688

1437 Panorama Dr Vestavia 35216
- Vestridge
- mls# 795084
- $719,000
- 4 bedrooms/4.5 baths
- Anne Wilhelm 205-317-4688
To be featured, email achandler@starnespublishing.com before noon on Thursdays.