Photo courtesy of Lifeline Children’s Services.
Lifeline Children’s Services is holding its 10th annual R(un) for One 5K and 1-mile fun run on Aug. 28 at Veterans Park in Hoover.
Lifeline Children’s Services is holding its 10th annual R(un) for One 5K and 1-mile fun run on Aug. 28 at Veterans Park in Hoover.
The run is a fundraiser for Lifeline’s (un)adopted ministry, which serves orphaned and vulnerable children around the world.
The run in Hoover is one of eight scheduled around the Southeast on Aug. 28. Others are scheduled to be held in Athens, Georgia; Atlanta; Charlotte; Jackson, Mississippi; Mount Pleasant, South Carolina; Pace, Florida; and Raleigh, North Carolina.
The 5K in Hoover is scheduled for 8 a.m., and the 1-mile fun run will be at 8:45 a.m. The cost to participate is $30 for the 5K and $15 for the 1-mile fun run. The 5K will be timed by staff from the Trak Shak on U.S. 280, said Brittany Finch, the event coordinator.
Last year, about 300 runners participated in the Birmingham area runs and raised about $100,000, Finch said. The goal this year is to draw about 400 runners and again raise at least $100,000, she said. Most of the money raised comes from businesses that serve as sponsors for the runs, she said. As of late June, more than $57,000 already had been raised, according to the race website.
All runners will receive a shirt. However, people need to register by Aug. 11 to guarantee a T-shirt size. People can pick up race packets at the Trak Shak on U.S. 280 on Friday, Aug. 27, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., but people can still register for the runs on race day at Veterans Park, beginning at 7 a.m.
People can register in advance and find more information at runforone5k.org.