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Photo by Erin Nelson. Starnes Media
Vestavia Hills George Floyd Rally
A group of protestors walk along U.S. 31 in front of Vestavia Bowl during a rally for justice for George Floyd on Wednesday, June 3, 2020. A small group of demonstrators gathered at Vestavia Bowl and walked to Vestavia Hills City Hall during a protest in honor of the life of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man who was killed Monday, May 25 while in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Photo by Erin Nelson.
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Neal Embry Starnes Media
A group of protestors pray with the Vestavia Hills Police Department at Vestavia Bowl on June 3. The protests centered around the death of George Floyd, who was killed last week in Minneapolis while in police custody when a police officer held his knee on his neck for almost nine minutes.
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Neal Embry Starnes Media
Protestors at Vestavia Hills City Hall showed solidary with other groups across the country protesting the death of George Floyd, who was killed last week while in police custody when a Minneapolis police officer held his knee on his neck for almost nine minutes.
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Neal Embry Starnes Media
Protestors at Vestavia Hills City Hall showed solidary with other groups across the country protesting the death of George Floyd, who was killed last week while in police custody when a Minneapolis police officer held his knee on his neck for almost nine minutes.
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Neal Embry Starnes Media
Protestors at Vestavia Hills City Hall showed solidary with other groups across the country protesting the death of George Floyd, who was killed last week while in police custody when a Minneapolis police officer held his knee on his neck for almost nine minutes.
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Neal Embry Starnes Media
Protestors at Vestavia Hills City Hall showed solidary with other groups across the country protesting the death of George Floyd, who was killed last week while in police custody when a Minneapolis police officer held his knee on his neck for almost nine minutes.
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Photos Contributed by Brock Rott
Protestors march northbound on U.S. 31 on June 3. The group was protesting the death of George Floyd, who died in Minneapolis police custody last week after an officer kept his knee on his neck for almost nine minutes.
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Photos Contributed by Brock Rott
Protestors at Vestavia Hills City Hall sit during a demonstration on June 3. The group was protesting the death of George Floyd, who died in Minneapolis police custody last week after an officer kept his knee on his neck for almost nine minutes.
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Photo by Erin Nelson. Starnes Media
Vestavia Hills George Floyd Rally
A Vestavia Hills police officer informs a group of protesters of the rules and guidelines for peaceful protesting in front of Vestavia Bowl on Wednesday, June 3, 2020. A small group of demonstrators gathered at Vestavia Bowl and walked to Vestavia Hills City Hall during a protest in honor of the life of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man who was killed Monday, May 25 while in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Photo by Erin Nelson.
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Photo by Erin Nelson. Starnes Media
Vestavia Hills George Floyd Rally
A Vestavia Hills police officer informs a group of protesters of the rules and guidelines for peaceful protesting in front of Vestavia Bowl on Wednesday, June 3, 2020. A small group of demonstrators gathered at Vestavia Bowl and walked to Vestavia Hills City Hall during a protest in honor of the life of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man who was killed Monday, May 25 while in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Photo by Erin Nelson.
Joining with other protests across the country after the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who died in Minneapolis police custody after an officer put his knee on his neck for almost nine minutes last week, a group of demonstrators marched along U.S. 31, prayed with Vestavia Hills police and held a rally at Vestavia Hills City Hall on June 3.
The group, which had between 15 and 23 people at various times, began their demonstration shortly after noon at Vestavia Bowl.
The group began to march northbound on U.S. 31 toward City Hall, before turning around to come back to Vestavia Bowl. There, they made a circle with Vestavia police officers before someone prayed for the families of black men and women killed by police in recent years and for an end to racial injustice in America.
Protestors pray with Vestavia Hills police
Protestors in Vestavia Hills joined others around the country protesting the death of George Floyd, who was killed last week while in Minneapolis police custody when an officer kept his knee on his neck for almost nine minutes. Protestors prayed with Vestavia Hills police officers in the Vestavia Bowl parking lot. Video by Neal Embry.
The group eventually drove over to City Hall, where they had speeches about the injustices committed against Floyd, as well as others.
“We are here to protest any future innocent lives being lost,” one person said. “Police need to be accountable for the murders they have committed.”
Demonstrators laid on the ground with their hands behind their back for eight minutes to honor Floyd. A neighbor joined them at one point with her son, and someone brought the group a case of cold water.
The rally took place after the City Council voted to close City Hall grounds at 7 p.m. and the building at 5 p.m., as the property previously did not have set closing hours. All city offices in the building closed at noon today.
Another rally was planned for Friday at 4 p.m. The location was not known at publication time.