For 35-year Vestavia Hills resident Paul Head, the main aspects he hopes to focus on should he be elected to the city council revolve around two things: parks facilities and the education system.
Head, who is running for Place 3 on the Vestavia Hills City Council, said he wants to make sure Vestavia's schools are at the top of the list in the state.
"U.S. News ranks us behind Mountain Brook, Spain Park, Homewood, and Oak Mountain, and nine other schools in the state," Head said. "Frankly, this surprised me. We have a great history of education in Vestavia, and we need to make certain we improve.”
Head is the CFO for Myrick, Gurosky and Associates, and lives in the area near Vestavia Hills High School. He said he thinks his financial background and the fact that he has two kids currently in the school system will provide him with both experience and insight into the needs of Vestavia Hills residents.
Head has both a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in accounting from the University of Mississippi. He and his wife Leigh Anne have three children, Ryanne, 5, John Paul, 10, and Chance Stephenson. The family attends Shades Mountain Baptist Church, and Head has been involved as a coach for community baseball, football and basketball teams.
For more information about Head and his campaign, visit the campaign's Facebook page.
Head will face incumbent Steve Ammons and Cahaba Heights resident Robert de Buys for the Place 3 seat. The election will take place Aug. 23.