Neal Embry Starnes Media
This property on Ridgedale Drive, behind El Poblano, is up for rezoning to build four single-family homes.
The Vestavia Hills Planning and Zoning Commission on Dec. 10. unanimously approved rezoning for a proposed development to bring four new homes to Ridgedale Drive behind El Poblano.
The rezoning of 3412 Ridgedale Drive from R-2 (low-density residential) to R-9 (planned residential community district) was previously carried over to the Dec. 10 meeting from the Nov. 12 meeting in order to allow KADCO Homes, led by Charles and Jason Kessler, more time to speak to residents and develop their plans. KADCO is developing the property for owner Scott Thomson.
The project, if approved by the City Council, will see four homes added on the 1.23-acre lot, Jason Kessler said, an increase of two homes from what is allowed under current zoning.
Kessler argued the homes make sense from a transitional zoning standpoint, as they will be adjacent to businesses like El Poblano, Twisted Root and others along Rocky Ridge Road. Kessler said there are plans to install landscape buffers between the homes and existing homes nearby.
Many of the concerns involved traffic and drainage, as Ridgedale Drive is narrow and suffers from poor drainage, residents said at both meetings. Kessler said his company is prepared to work with the city of Vestavia Hills to possibly widen Ridgedale Drive and has asked the city to consider adding it to their list of roads to be repaved soon.
The project should not worsen drainage issues in the area, Kessler said, and the group will install an underground drainage system that will catch water runoff flowing toward businesses and redirect it.
One resident expressed concern about the project lowering her property values, but Kessler said that would not happen, and that KADCO makes sure that won’t happen before they start building in a certain area.
The issue will likely appear before the City Council in late January.