Photo courtesy of MRuns.
Runners at the Vulcan Run 10K race in 2019 finish at Sloss Furnaces. The Vulcan Run 10K will be held in Homewood this year.
The Vulcan Run 10K is back in its 46th year, this time with some changes.
The race, which is hosted by the Birmingham Track Club, has in the past started and finished within Birmingham’s city limits. With new restrictions in Birmingham because of the COVID-19 pandemic, though, the race will start and finish in Homewood. This is the first time in race history that the race didn’t go through Birmingham, said Hunter Bridwell, president of BTC.
“The Vulcan Run 10K is an iconic Birmingham race,” he said. “But we feel like it’s important to give people an opportunity to run a race in person while doing so safely. It’s important to show that can be done.”
Runners will be asked to wear a mask and social distance before and after the run. The race starts at 8 a.m., but runners will have staggered starts to avoid having a cluster of runners at the start line.
The race will begin near the Macy’s parking lot at Brookwood Village. Runners will run on Lakeshore Drive and on the Shades Creek Greenway trail. They will loop back to Brookwood Village for a total of 6.2 miles.
The Vulcan Run 10K costs $50 plus a $3 registration fee. After Nov. 5, the price increases to $60.
Visit birminghamtrackclub.com for more information.