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Photo courtesy of Al Blanton; 78 Magazine.
The inaugural Jimmie Hale Mission Rescue Run 5K will be in honor of Douglas Barnes, who died in Homewood in January 2020.
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Jimmie Hale Mission Rescue Run 5K information.
The Jimmie Hale Mission chose downtown Homewood for the setting of its inaugural Rescue Run 5K, and the event will honor a late Homewood native.
Douglas Barnes, a man who appeared to be homeless and who frequently sat outside the TrakShak in Homewood, was hit by two vehicles in January as he attempted to cross U.S. 31.
“We thought, why not honor someone who made such an impact on the community?” said JHM events coordinator Andrea Nuss. “We pray that all of those who were touched by Doug’s spirit will come out to celebrate his life and support those who are affected by homelessness.”
The event is the first of its kind for Jimmie Hale Mission. “We’ve never had an event on this scale as far as community participation,” Nuss said.
The organization chose Homewood for its inaugural event for multiple reasons, Nuss said. Not only does Homewood provide a beautiful backdrop for the 5K run, but the city is also where Barnes was born and raised.
The race, which will be held Oct. 10, will start and finish on 29th Avenue South between 18th Street South and 19th Street South. Packet pickup begins at 6:30 a.m., and the 5K starts at 8 a.m. There will also be a 1-mile fun run that starts at 9 a.m.
Racers will not be expected to wear masks during the run, but they are required to wear masks before and after. Runners are also asked to practice physical distancing and avoid handshakes or high fives. Racers are encouraged to bring their own water, but water stations will be available and will have hand sanitizer.
Tickets for the 5K, Fun Run and Virtual Run options are $30 each. There is also a Sleep In option, which only includes the race T-shirt, that is available for $20.
For more information, visit runsignup.com/race/al/birmingham/jimmiehalemissionsrescuerun.