Photo by Jon Anderson.
Runners and walkers take off at the start of the 5K and 10K races at the 2019 Head Over Teal 5K, 10K and Family Fall Festival in The Preserve community in Hoover.
The Laura Crandall Brown Foundation, which raises money for research, education and support services related to gynecologic cancer, is switching its annual Head Over Teal 5K/10K to a virtual format this year due to COVID-19.
The event, in its 11th year, is typically held in The Preserve subdivision, but this year, runners and walkers are encouraged to complete their 5K (3.1-mile) and 10K (6.2-mile) treks on their own at a location of their own choosing between Sept. 18 and Sept. 26.
Runners can document their race times, share photos of family support and connect with other participants and Laura Crandall Brown Foundation staff via social media during the race week.
Participants are encouraged to use the hashtags #headoverteal and #headovertealgoesvirtual on social media platforms. They can tag the Laura Crandall Brown Foundation on Facebook and Twitter @LCBFoundation, on Instagram at @lcbfoundation, and on YouTube and Flickr at Laura Crandall Brown Foundation.
People with lead race times will be eligible for a Trak Shak gift card.
“The health and safety of our supporters, volunteers and staff are of the highest priority here at LCBF,” said Irene Goddard, the foundation’s development director. “We are excited to keep the Head Over Teal tradition going and to connect with participants via social media and, while doing so, raise proceeds that help fund early detection research, gynecological cancer awareness and financial support for patients and their families.”
Nearly 800 people registered to participate in the races last year. 428 finished the 5K and 80 in the 10K, online race results showed. The 2019 races raised about $50,000.
The cost to participate in either the 5K or 10K this year is $30 for ages 14 and older and $20 for children ages 13 and younger. Participants can pick up a T-shirt before they run, or have the T-shirt mailed to them for an additional $5 to cover shipping. To register, go to thinkoflaura.org/headoverteal.